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Want to speak with our Chief Resume Strategist 1:1 and get their expertise on how your resume measures up and what they recommend in terms of changes?


Schedule a video-based 1:1 resume review session with our Chief Resume Strategist. It is a 45-minute session where you will receive on-the-spot feedback on edits to make to ensure your resume is ATS-optimized, compliant with best practices, and catches the eye of hiring managers. 

Online Resume Review Session

  • How strong is your resume? A resume review session is your opportunity to receive feedback from a resume expert. It is a 45 minute 1:1 session via video for us to review your resume and provide personalized and actionable feedback in the area of: 

    • Style and format
    • Content
    • ATS-optimization
  • Non-refundable. We are committed to delivering professional, quality services. 

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