Would you like the good news or the bad news first?
Well, the bad news is that from the death of George Floyd to that of Brianna Taylor; from the scholarly to the not so scholarly think pieces debating race theory in schools; to racial disparities in medical care, that women like Serena Williams and Beyonce can even attest to, racial inequities have not gone away.
But the good news is that many corporations are now recognizing that addressing inequities in the workplace is not only vital for surviving the evolving global economy, but for moving society forward as a whole. Data even shows that companies who commit to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) show growth to their bottom line by as much as 25 - 30%. Those businesses that don’t get on board will be left behind before they know it. Your voice is valuable.
Now for the even better news. It has become a lot easier to narrow your job search to only include companies that are making strides to celebrate the power that diversity (including gender, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation) plays in our ever-evolving world. Five of these ways include:
Google Searches - This first suggestion may sound obvious, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. If you find a company that you’re interested in, try Googling their name along with terms like DEI, DE&I, company culture, etc. Another tip is to use the title of the industry you are in, ie. Tech, Marketing, etc. coupled with terms like, “best tech firms for African American women” or “best tech firms for Black and Hispanic employees” and see what articles come up.
Sites that Rank and Score Company Diversity Workplace Culture - Refinitiv, providers of financial markets data and infrastructure, has a list called the “Top 100 Most Diverse and Inclusive Companies.” They use a rating methodology (that you can download) that includes things like diversity, inclusion, people development, and news and controversy.
Mainstream Job Search Sites - In 2020, the popular online job board, Glassdoor, introduced “Diversity and Inclusion Ratings” to their site. They collect information related to workers' satisfaction with DEI. Because Glassdoor allows current and former employees to anonymously review companies, it’s worth putting on your list for research.
Job Boards Dedicated to Diversity - There are also job boards specifically created to assist businesses that are committed to diverse points of view find great talent. One site is the Diversity Job Board. They focus on helping job seekers find positions with immediate availability with an emphasis on, “Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities.” Breezy HR is another great resource for job boards dedicated to diversity and inclusion. Their site has a list of, “The Top 20 Job Boards for Diversity Hiring.”
Company Culture Review Sites - Comparably is a great place to compare employee ratings in a wide range of industries. They have folks who anonymously rated their companies based on16 core workplace culture metrics, including DEI. Their team is dedicated to transparency for all job seekers.
Of course, even if you find a company that appears to do everything “right” this doesn’t always ensure smooth sailing. But, your chances of landing in a space where the company culture not only addresses Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion but also creates a healthy environment are greatly improved with a bit of due diligence. And remember, we all deserve to do work that we love while being paid what we deserve in an environment that enhances our well-being. Happy hunting!
To learn more about transforming your resume to target DEI committed companies, check out our services here.